Spurrlow Tour - (1968 - 1969)


Page #5



With as many as four to five

concerts per day in different

schools and churches, there

was always ample opportunity

to help load and unload the

truck.  Here Tim and Phil lift

one of the A7 Speakers onto

the truck.  And as everyone

in the group would say: "Well,

what's more important, to

 load the truck or drink










Phil probably stands out in

everyone's memory as the

unofficial clown of the group.

No one else would have even

considered destroying his

"Chrysler Blue" like this.











Since we spent so many hours

on the road, there was plenty

of time for more fun and games

while traveling 70 mph or more.

As one of our cars passes, Phil

and Terry take aim at our car

in an on-going cap-gun battle

that was waged between cars

to pass the time while driving.










Looks like an excellent

marksman from our car

got Terry as their car 

speeds away down the

freeway.  I sure hope he

recovers before our next











After nearly 8 months on 

the road, our cars and truck

seem to be about the closest

thing we have to call home.

With just about a month left,

we're heading north once

again toward Michigan to

wrap up this tour.










With just days left on our

tour, everyone is looking

forward to returning home.

But we still have shows to 

do, and schedules to keep.

After 9 months of watching

each and every show, I still

could feel the excitement in

 each show just like it was

our first.






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